Wednesday 16 January 2008

Started re-reading: Look to Windward and The Subtle Knife

Look to Windward (Started 1st Jan)
Iain M Banks

I'm re-reading this in anticipation of Banks' new Culture novel, Matter. It was one of my favourites in the series originally, although there were so many good books in the series, it got pushed down to maybe 4th or 5th best.
So far it's just as good as I remembered, although Banks' books always suffer on re-read - no idea why, but it's a bit of a shame. Still, it's been long enough that I don't remember the entire pl
ot, although I have a vague recolection which I'm trying hard to ignore.

The Subtle Knife (Started 1st Jan)
Philip Pullman

After watching the Northern Lights film just before Christmas, I was keen to re-read the res of the Dark Materials series, so after a quick review of the first book, I hopped straight onto the second. It really is an excellent book, as I remembered, much better in both storyline and writing than the first. Still, this will take a back seat to Look to Windward for a while.

Of course, both will have to wait until after exams at this stage, which last until the 25th, and need serious amounts of revision. So it may be a couple of weeks until I update this with anything, which is not the best start, but I needed to start this off while I remembered.

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