Sunday 27 January 2008

Film Review: Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd
(Jonny Depp, Helena Bonham-Carter, Alan Rickman, Sascha Baron Cohen)

It's fairly rare to see a musical film nowadays. The last one I can think of is probably Chicago, and that was a few years ago. Still, it's nice to see something a it different, and this was certainly different, in many ways.

The main way is that it was a Tim Burton film that I actually enjoyed, which is a very rare occurance. The production had a very similar colour scheme, if not actual style to Sin City. Everything very dark, accentuated to close to black and white, but with occasional bright splashes of colour - blood, mainly.

The story is, of course, a classic. Wronged man who returns to seek revenge, but is also not exactly stable up top, so murders all and sundry with his 1337 barbering skillz. Of course in the end he ends up killing a woman without realising it's his wife, who he thought long dead. He then takes this out on the pie-making lady downstairs, who knew she was alive all along, by throwing her in the oven. He is then murdered in turn by the pie lady's assisstant, while the sailor he returned with elopes with his daughter.

All in all, very gory...It was brilliantly acted, particularly Depp and Bonham-Carter, who were very convincing as insane mass-murderers. Whether or not that's a good thing is probably debatable. Ali G was also very enjoyable in his role as a rival barber.

There was probably a little bit too much blood-spurting gore than was neccessary, but nonetheless is was an excellent film, and it gets four Cups of Sake out of five.

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