Saturday 19 January 2008

Film reviews: Charlie Wilson's War and Alien vs Predator: Requiem

Charlie Wilson's War
(Tom Hanks, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Julia Roberts)

I quite enjoyed this film. Can't claim to know much about the subject, Afghanistan during the Cold
War, so I don't know how realistic it was, but it was an entertaining film.
Basically, Charlie Wilson (Hanks) is a womanising drunkard who just happens to also be a US congressman. He's on a defence sub-comittee that controls the undercover supplies that the US is sending to the Afghans to fight against the Russians. The story is his fight for them to take it as a serious threat, and this is shown through him managing to increase their budget from $5million to $1billion throughout the course of the film.
Trying to get him to do this is Hoffman's character, an FBI (or one of the TLAs) dude. Clearly not an agent, to look at him... anyway, Hoffman steals the show. His character is rude, sarcastic, irreverant and awesome in every single way. Wilson can help him because, as he says, he's "the only US congressman who represents a district that dosn't want anything, so I can do a lot of favours."
Julia Roberts plays a Texan millionaire socialite who basically ties the whole thing together - provides the motivation for Wilson to do something about the situation by making him visit the refugee camps, etc. She wasn't bad, and fitted the part suprisingly well, I must admit.

Overall, an interesting film which hung together well, and made sense for all the characters to do everything they did, which always helps. Despite it not being my kind of thing, I really enjoyed it.

Three and a half Jugs of Sangria out of five. 

Alien vs Predator: Requiem
(Random people no one's ever heard of)

Bad continuity, no reasons behind anything that happened, no storyline to speak of, annoying characters, and quite possibly the worst final 15 minutes of any film ever. Spectacularly unimpressed, even so far as to not bothering to write any sort of proper review.

It gets one Skin of Dwarven Ale out of five for having the balls to kill the really hot girl with a shuriken through the boobs...

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